Minneapolis Clinical Trials

Outpatient Vaccine Study

Purpose: to evaluate the safety and tolerability of a potential new drug for the purpose of treating various strains of influenza.

0 nights
4 visits

Participate in a clinical study of a potential treatment for influenza.

This study has 1 screening appointment, Day 1, 4 week follow up, and 6 month follow up.

Participants will dose 1 time in this study over 6 months.

Reimbursement for study participation will be provided for time and travel of up to $550.

This study has been reviewed by an Institutional Review Board.

Call 612-315-6490 to discuss your eligibility today!


Age: 65 years or older
BMI: 18-35 kg/m2
Medical History: Healthy participants with preexisting stable disease, defined as disease not requiring significant change in therapy or hospitalization for worsening disease during the 6 weeks before enrollment, can be included.
Smoking Status: Non-smokers or smokers willing to follow research center guidelines
Compensation: Up to $550