Brisbane Clinical Trials

The Influenza Study

The study drug is a potential new mRNA vaccine for the influenza virus.

0 nights
1 vaccine visit + 1 follow-up phone call + 6 visits

Study Objective:

  • Develop vaccines to protect against prevalent influenza strains for the year.

Understanding Influenza:

  • A respiratory virus with multiple strains, potentially causing annual epidemics.

Importance of Prevention:

  • Vaccination can prevent virus spread and reduce flu-related mortality.

Clinical Trial Details:

  • Testing vaccine efficacy, overseen by an independent ethics committee.
  • An independent ethics committee has approved this clinical trial.
  • Participants will be reimbursed for their time & commitment to the study completion.


Biological Sex Male or Female
Age 18 - 49 years old
BMI 18 - 35kg/m²
Medication Stable medications are permitted on a case-by-case basis
Medical conditions Stable medical conditions are permitted on a case-by-case basis
Smoking History Non-smokers or casual smokers (<10 cigarettes/week)