The purpose of Study 2039 is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of HU6 in high BMI volunteers

17 nights
3 visits

During Study 2039, participants will receive the investigative treatment via an oral dose pill.

There is one screening appointment before the overnight stay. A nasal COVID swab test will be done before admission, and there are three outpatient visits. Compensation for study participation may be provided for time and travel up to $5,925.00

This study has been approved by an independent ethics committee.

Call Lindsay at 651-368-3360 or email her at to discuss your eligibility today!


Biological Sex Males or Females
Age 18 - 45 years old
BMI ≥ 35.0
Waist Circumference ≥38.0 inches for males and ≥33.0 inches for females
Smoking History Non-smoker, non vaper or smoke < 5 cigarettes per week
Claustrophobia Must not be claustrophobic or have an intolerance of small spaces